Day :
- Nanoparticles | Nano Electronic Devices | Advanced Nanomaterials | Nanotechnology Applications | Nanomaterials Safety and Regulations | Nanoscale Materials | Applications of Nanomaterials | Nanotech Products | Nano Devices and Systems | Nano Medical Devices | Biomedical Nanomaterials
Location: Webinar
Session Introduction
Alessandro Falconier
University of Pisa, Italy
Title: Magnetically-actuated nanoparticles: A novel method to unravel the molecular mechanisms evoked by mechanical tension
Time : 09:30-10:00

Alessandro Falconieri has his expertise in the field of molecular biology, nanotechnologies and neuro-mechanobiology. His study of axonal growth following mechanical stimulation proposes a new model of neuritic development based on the establishment of a complex dialogue between local phenomena (i.e. axonal transport and local translation). The model based on this "cross-talk" came from his PhD work which ended in June 2021. In the recent period, he is investigating the molecular pathways activated by tension (with particular focus on signal transduction) as well as the mechanisms of repair and recovery following prolonged stimulation. The prospect of exploiting mechanical stimulation to accelerate the rate of axonal outgrowth is very intriguing as it would give the possibility of proposing a new therapeutic target for the treatment of neurons damaged following injury or disease.
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are emerging as a novel technology in biomedicine and nanomedicine. The use of MNPs, as well as that of magnetic fields, is already an accepted practice for therapeutic purposes on humans. The actuation of the MNPs allows to generate very low forces, similar to those generated endogenously by the cell. Here, we propose a methodology to study the effect of extremely low forces, exogenously applied, on mice hippocampal neurons. In the recent past, our team developed a method to apply forces on neurons by labeling the neurites with MNPs and by generating an external magnetic field (1, 2). We found an increase in axonal length, without reduction of the caliber, an accumulation of microtubules and endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and a reduction of intracellular calcium level, consistent with a situation in which a fast axonal elongation rate was found (3). Interestingly, recently our group also found similar hallmarks by stimulating neurons with a different technology (4). It suggests that pathways activated by force could be evoked independently of the methodology used. To study the molecular mechanisms activated by tension at both the somatic and axonal levels, we developed a method that allowed us to isolate the two compartments. Interestingly, looking into the axonal component, we found alterations in local phenomena, i.e. axonal transport and local translation. Considering that some of the protagonists of local translation are transported along the axon, we speculate that our forces magnetically-actuated contribute to create a dialogue between the two local phenomena. In light of our observations we hypothesize that microtubules, previously identified as a possible tension sensor (5), could be responsible for the creation of this “cross-talk”.
Figure 1. Graphical representation of the stretching protocol into the microfluidic device. At day in vitro 0, neurons were seeded in the soma side. Then, MNPs were delivered to the cells. Mechanical forces were applied from day in vitro 1 until the end of the experiment.
Osman Adiguzel
Firat University, Turkey
Title: Thermomechanical and thermoresponsive reactions in reversibility of shape memory alloys
Time : 10:00-10:30

Adiguzel graduated from Department of Physics, Ankara University, Turkey in 1974 and received PhD- degree from Dicle University, Diyarbakir-Turkey. He has studied at Surrey University, Guildford, UK, as a post-doctoral research scientist in 1986-1987, and studied on shape memory alloys. He worked as research assistant, 1975-80, at Dicle University and shifted to Firat University, Elazig, Turkey in 1980. He became professor in 1996, and he has been retired on November 28, 2019, due to the age limit of 67, following academic life of 45 years. He published over 80 papers in international and national journals; He joined over 120 conferences and symposia in international and national level as participant, invited speaker or keynote speaker with contributions of oral or poster. He served the program chair or conference chair/co-chair in some of these activities. In particular, he joined in last six years (2014 - 2019) over 60 conferences as Keynote Speaker and Conference Co-Chair organized by different companies. Also, he joined over 70 online conferences in the same way in pandemic period of 2020-2021. He supervised 5 PhD- theses and 3 M. Sc- theses. Dr. Adiguzel served his directorate of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Firat University, in 1999-2004. He received a certificate awarded to him and his experimental group in recognition of significant contribution of 2 patterns to the Powder Diffraction File – Release 2000. The ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data) also appreciates cooperation of his group and interest in Powder Diffraction File.
Shape memory alloys are adaptive structural materials and take place in class of called of advanced smart materials by giving stimulus response to changes in the external conditions. These alloys exhibit dual characteristics, shape memory effect and superelasticity with the recoverability of two shapes at different conditions. These alloys are functional materials with these properties and used as shape memory elements in many interdisciplinary fields. Shape memory effect is initiated thermomechanical treatments by cooling and deformation and performed thermally on heating and cooling. Deformation in low temperature condition is plastic deformation, and strain energy is stored in the materials and released on heating by recovering the original shape. Following these treatments, shape of the materials cycles between the deformed and original shapes on cooling and heating in reversible way. This phenomenon is governed by the thermomechanical and thermoresponsive reactions, thermal and stress induced martensitic transformations. Thermal induced martensitic transformations occur on cooling with cooperative movement of atoms in <110 > -type directions on {110} - type planes of austenite matrix which is basal plane of martensite, and ordered parent phase structures turn into the twinned martensite structures along with lattice twinning. The twinned structures turn into detwinned martensite structures by means of stress induced martensitic transformations with deformation. On heating after these treatments, detwinned martensite structures turn into the ordered parent phase structures, by means reverse austenitic structures.
Superelasticity is performed in only mechanical manner by stressing and releasing the material in the parent austenite phase region, and shape recovery occurs instantly and simultaneously by recovering the original shape, after releasing. Superelasticity exhibits the elastic material behavior, but it is performed in non-linear way, loading and releasing paths are different at the stress-strain profile, and cycling loop refers to the energy dissipation. Superelasticity is also result of stress induced martensitic transformation, and the ordered parent phase structures turn into the detwinned martensite structures by stressing.
Copper based alloys exhibit this property in metastable beta-phase region. Lattice twinning is not uniform in these alloys and cause the formation of unusual complex layered structures.
In the present contribution, x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies were carried out on copper based CuZnAl and CuAlMn alloys. X-ray diffraction profiles and electron diffraction patterns exhibit super lattice reflections inherited from parent phase due to the displacive character of martensitic transformation.
Hina Pervaiz
National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
Title: Synthesis and characterization of copper indium sulfide nanoparticles for counter electrode of flexible dye sensitized solar cells
Time : 10:30-11:00

Hina Pervaiz is affiliated to National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad is a recipient of many awards and grants for her valuable contributions and discoveries in major area of Nanotechnology and nanoparticles research.
There is an urgent need for alternative energy resources due to the rapid rise in the price of fossil fuels and the great danger of the increasing greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide emission. Sunlight provides by far the largest of all carbon-neutral energy sources. Therefore, the current solar- or photovoltaic-cell-based technologies, which can utilize solar energy, are of extreme importance. Flexible dye-sensitized solar cells (FDSSCs) have become a strong reality in the field of hybrid photovoltaic. Their ability to operate in diffused light conditions and the possibility of fabrication of cells bearing different colors make them attractive for wearable electronics. In this study we report the synthesis and deposition of copper indium sulfide on paper substrate by electrophoretic deposition that can be used as a flexible counter electrode in FDSSCs. The fabricated counter electrodes are flexible, low cost, and biodegradable, to meet the requirement of renewable green energy. Further electrochemical analysis revealed that fabricated counter electrodes showed good catalytic behavior and power conversion efficiency for flexible dye sensitized solar cells.
Muhammad Tayyab Noman
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Title: Fabrication of multifunctional cotton by the deposition of zinc oxide nanoparticles
Time : 11:00-11:30

Muhammad Tayyab Noman received his Ph.D. in Textile Technics and Materials Engineering from Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic. He is pursuing his career as a Recognized Researcher at Institute of Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation (CXI), Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic. Through his research, he is trying to understand the reaction dynamics of photo generated charge carriers during photocatalysis, composites materials and the incorporation of variety of nanomaterials on textiles. He is the author and co-author of many scientific publications in area of fibrous materials and composites, characterization and optimization of fibre reinforced composite structures. In addition, he is a member of Editorial Board of “Polymers” as a Topic Editor and currently running a special issue “Advanced Textile Based Polymer Composites: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications”.
The presented work demonstrates an environmentally friendly and comparatively cheaper method to stabilize the additives (nanomaterials i.e., nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires) on the surface of textile fibrous materials to develop photo catalytically active multifunctional textiles. These functional materials are designed especially for biomedical applications e.g., antimicrobial coatings, wound dressings, bandages and plats. The study was conducted by incorporating zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on cotton fabric. In addition, physicochemical impact of ultrasonic rays on surface topography of cotton was also evaluated. In a single-step method, simultaneous synthesis and coating of ZnO NPs was successfully achieved. Morphological changes and surface topography before and after ZnO NPs deposition were estimated by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ultrahigh-resolution scanning electron microscopy (UHR-SEM). Alambeta and moisture management tester were used for thermal and moisture evaluation. The results of thermophysiological comfort of ZnO coated cotton were evaluated on the basis of thickness and ZnO NPs coated amount. In addition, the achieved results depicted the impact of sonication on surface roughness.
Li Liu
National Institutes of Health, USA
Title: Using an FDA approved nutrition supplement, intralipid, to improve delivery of anti-cancer nanodrugs: Effects on RES clearance and toxicity, EPR and immune modulation
Time : 11:30-12:00

Li Liu is a research scientist in the Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Her research focus is on the novel delivery strategies of nano-sized therapeutics and imaging agents. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Minnesota. She received her postdoctoral training in Dr. Chien Ho’s laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences at the Carnegie Mellon University. In 2010, she was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association. Li has authored or co-authored more than 20 research papers, 3 book chapters, and 2 US patent applications.
According to several meta-analysis studies, less than 1% of anti-cancer nanodrugs are delivered to target tumors. The reticuloendothelial system [(RES)/mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS)] is a key factor that affects nanodrug bio distribution and bioavailability by sequestering nanoparticles from the circulation (1). We have developed a method to temporarily blunt the RES by pre- administration of the FDA-approved nutritional supplement, Intralipid® (2-6). We have tested our Intralipid® method (2 g/kg, clinical dose) on the delivery of two different anti-cancer nanodrugs: (i) an experimental anti-cancer nanodrug, dichloro (1,2-diaminocyclohexane) platinum (II)-loaded and hyaluronic acid polymer-coated nanodrug (DACHPt/HANP) and (ii) the FDA-approved anti-cancer nanodrug, Abraxane®. We have found that pre-treatment with Intralipid® can reduce platinum accumulation in the liver, spleen, and kidney of rats by 20.4%, 42.5%, and 31.2%, respectively at 24-hr post DACHPt/HANP administration. Similarly, we have found in a xenograft breast cancer mouse model that pre-treatment with Intralipid® significantly increases the amount of Abraxane® that reaches tumors to promote tumor apoptosis and that the combination of Intralipid® with half the standard dose of Abraxane® can reduce tumor growth as effectively as the standard clinical dose. Intralipid® also promotes the polarization of macrophages to the anti-cancer M1-like phenotype. A recent study from Dr. Hiroshi Maeda and his colleagues showed a more important role of Intralipid® treatment, namely improving tumor blood flow, which is key for nanodrug delivery via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect (7). Thus, Intralipid® pre-treatment can be a new way to improve the delivery of anti-cancer nanodrugs with reduced off-target side effects and with improved drug efficacy. Our nanodrug delivery method is a general one, since it can apply to any existing nanodrugs as well as to those in development because there is no need to modify the drug and its nanocarrier.
Mohamed Abbas Ibrahim
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Applications of quality by design approach in nanotechnology
Time : 12:00-12:30

Mohamed Abbas Ibrahim is a professor of Pharmaceutics, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt. Currently, he is a professor in Kayyali Chair for Pharmaceutical Industries, Department of Pharmaceutics, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. He earned a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Regensburg, Germany, in collaboration with Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. His research interests include biomaterials as drug delivery systems, pelletization, nanotechnology and tablet technology and polymeric drug delivery systems. He supervised more than 10 master and Ph.D. students in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Dr. He published more than 100 research and review articles, in addition to book chapters in these areas.
Nanotechnology became a widespread technology in recent years in several medical and pharmaceutical applications. The major goals in designing nanoparticles as a delivery system include enhancing bioavailability by enhancing solubility and dissolution rate, targeting the drug to specific organs and controlling drug release rate. Quality by design (QbD) encourages the pharmaceutical industry to use risk management and science-based manufacturing principles to gain process and product understanding and thus assures quality of the product. The lecture will discuss the application of QbD approach in the pharmaceutical nanotechnology. Response surface methodology using computer based factorial design to study the effect of critical factors on various quality attributes of APG nanoparticles will be discussed. Based on the optimization procedures, risk assessment and using prior knowledge and experience will be focused to define the criticality of factors based on their impact by Ishikawa fishbone diagram and preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) tool.
- Smart Material Science | Chemical Engineering | Industrial applications of crystallization | Tissue Engineering | Nano pharmaceuticals | Polymer Science and Applications | Ceramics in Materials Science | Nanotechnology Applications | Materials Science and Engineering | Organic Materials Chemistry
Location: Webinar
Session Introduction
Loredana Preda
Institute of Physical Chemistry “IlieMurgulescu†of Romanian Academy, Romania
Title: Electrochemical performance of hybrid electrodes based on graphene and CNW for fuel cells and supercapacitors applications
Time : 13:00-13:30

Loredana Preda is senior researcher at Romanian Academy, Institute of Physical Chemistry ‘‘Ilie Murgulescu’’, Romania. Her research interests lie in different fields of great importance for society like electrocatalysis, supercapacitors and photo-electrochemistry. She has expertise in fabrication of hybrid materials with outstanding features which find applications in different areas of great interest like supercapacitors and fuel cells. The characterization of these active materials (e.g. electrochemical characterization) as well as their performance assessment (e.g. their capacitive performance or their catalytic performance for ethanol/methanol oxidation) is her competence. Her research work is also related to improving bioactivity and biocompatibility of some new alloys (e.g. Ti-4Al-6V-SLM) for dental and orthopaedic applications.
Fuel cells and supercapacitor applications could much contribute to meeting the tremendous energy demand of modern society, as they represent appropriate alternatives for electricity generation and storage. In the present work, the performances of new WO3-decorated electrodes for supercapacitor applications were assessed. Tungsten oxide was electrochemically deposited on graphite supports (G), functionalized with either reduced graphene oxide (WO3/rGO/G) or carbon nanowalls (WO3/CNW/G). The electrochemical tests demonstrated that the presence of carbon nanowalls significantly enhances the capacitive performances of these new WO3-based electrodes (the capacitance of WO3/CNW/G, appraised from galvanostatic charge-discharge experiments, was ca. 351 mF/cm2 at an applied current density of 1 mA /cm2 ), whereas the presence of graphene leads to a less significant increase of capacitive performance (the capacitance of WO3/rGO/G was ca. 71 mF/cm2 at an applied current density of 1 mA /cm2 ). Based on these observations and on the SEM results (Fig.1), one may assert that the presence of CNW provides mainly better electrical conductivity and enhanced double layer capacitance of the electrode material, mainly due to the morphology adopted by CNW on graphite. Additionally, in view of fuel cells applications, the electrocatalysis activity towards methanol oxidation of these new Pt-decorated electrodes was herein assessed. Platinum nanoparticles were electrochemically deposited on a conductive substrate, functionalized either simply with graphene, (Pt/GR) or with graphene modified with boron-doped diamond powder (Pt/GR-BDDP). The electrochemical tests pointed out that the presence of boron-doped diamond powder (BDDP) into the graphene facilitates the overall methanol oxidation process and provides a better resistance to fouling via CO-poisoning of the electrocatalyst. Additional investigations revealed that the inclusion of BDDP allows a better exposure of the edge planes of the graphene platelets which enables a better accessibility of Pt particles to species from the solution.
Amr fawzy
Amrbooks Inc. Innovator, Egypt
Title: Electrochemical peEnergy exchange particle X, between materialsrformance of hybrid electrodes based on graphene and CNW for fuel cells and supercapacitors applications
Time : 13:30-14:00

Amr Fawzy is expertise in many fields innovator, book author and has 24 years experiences in healthcare sector. He has an application in Nobel 2022. Setting many applied theory regarding the way that pyramids was arise, has copyright for more than 20 books on Amazon, expertise in physics and life science.
The energy dynamics and all based science is focus mainly on one or two ways to understand the energy dynamics, but if we look to the universe which is the real yard of understanding the energy of molecules and molecules transformation , we will finds missed factor in the balance and dynamism of such different powers to stabilize and making balance in the level of any material stability , this research door is new Hypothesis and theory to start the real understanding for the universe basic material and core material dynamism.
The active material which changes the charge of any other material and lead it to change in its atomic balance to perform certain dynamics and the reaction will depend on the speed of the energy particles carrier whatever its electrons, quark, or others which is proposed particle X.
Particle x is new proposition of energy particles yielded under condition from the cold dark materials between galaxies , and they able to exchange energy between other Universe materials to settle the balance and new elements formation.
Bożena Tyliszczak
Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Polymer-ceramic composites modified with bovine collagen for bone tissue regeneration
Time : 14:00-14:30

Bozena Tyliszczak has an expertise in developing various biomaterials designed for biomedical purposes. The research topics she undertakes cover such scientific areas as materials engineering and nanotechnology. Her main attention is focused on the development of innovative controlled drug delivery systems such as wound dressing materials accelerating wound healing processes, and enabling targeted delivery of active substance directly to the affected site. Targeted delivery is particularly significant in the case of anticancer therapy where conventional drug application may cause various side effects and, importantly, reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
Statement of the Problem: Along with the constantly observed civilization development, the medical conditions known also as the 21st century diseases are becoming a growing problem. Among these conditions, the skeletal system diseases constitute particularly significant aspect. Thus it is very important to perform investigations on the development of new, innovative bioactive biomaterials which may support bone defect treatment and favor bone tissue regeneration. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The main base of the developed biomaterial is a polymer matrix showing excellent mechanical properties giving at the same time appropriate elasticity. As a bioactive component, hydroxyapatite has been used to provide adequate osteointegration of the final material. Moreover, a bovine collagen has also been used. This protein was selected due to its high biological significance and biocompatibility which, in turn, result in supporting cell adhesion and proliferation by collagen modified composite.
Findings: Based on the spectroscopic analysis performed, the occurrence of the absorption bands characteristic for applied modifying agent, i.e. collagen, has been verified. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that all analyzed composite materials were characterized by sorption capability in simulated physiological liquids. Next, during the incubation of tested composites in simulated physiological liquids, i.e. during 14-day period, any rapid changes in pH values of incubation media have not been observed. All composite materials were characterized by similar surface roughness which was a result of the presence of the ceramic phase (i.e. hydroxyapatite) in all tested materials.
Conclusion & Significance: Due to such advantages of developed polymer-ceramic composite materials modified additionally with collagen as their simple and quick synthesis, biological and physicochemical properties as well as the possibility of the preparation of their sizes and shapes depending on the applied reaction vessel it may be concluded that developed biomaterials exhibited a great application potential and should be investigated using more advanced experiments. Acknowledgements: The „Multifunctional biologically active composites for applications in bone regenerative medicine” project is carried out within the TEAM-NET programme of the Foundation for Polish Science financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
Agnieszka Sobczak-Kupiec
Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Ceramic-polymer composites and its evaluation as a drug carrier for controlled release of Clindamycin
Time : 14:30-15:00

Agnieszka Sobczak-Kupiec undertakes interdisciplinary research activities at the interface of materials engineering, chemical technology and nanotechnology. Her scientific interests are related to biomaterials based on calcium phosphates for bone tissue reconstruction and dental applications, as well as nanomaterials for medical applications.
Nowadays, the majority of organ and tissue damage resulting from genetic defects or trauma is treated either pharmacologically or surgically. This is accomplished by using appropriate drugs or, in more severe cases, organ transplantation. However, for some time now, great emphasis has been placed on biomaterials, intelligent bioactive materials that have great potential in regenerative medicine by stimulating surrounding tissues or local drug delivery.
Materials and tissue engineering provide opportunities to develop such smart materials. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is most commonly used for bone regeneration due to its impressive bioactivity, osteconductive properties, and ability to bond to natural bone tissue. By suspending it in a polymer matrix, it is possible to obtain a composite with specific parameters. In addition, the polymeric structure, offers incredible possibilities for modification with biomolecules or drugs. Thus, such materials can be used as a carrier of active substances for local drug delivery.
In the present study, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was the polymer phase. It is an essential, water-soluble polymer approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for body contact. The mineral phase constituted HA. A innovative composite was prepared and subjected to detailed physicochemical analysis. Additionally, the system was modified with the clindamycin, which increased its biological value. The drug release kinetics in the simulated body fluid and the effect of ceramics on this parameter were determined.
Acknowledgements: The „Multifunctional biologically active composites for applications in bone regenerative medicine” project is carried out within the TEAM-NET programme of the Foundation for Polish Science financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
Karina Piętak
Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Characterization of polymer-ceramic composites modified by Salvia officinalis extract
Time : 15:00-15:30

Karina Piętak is a PhD student in the Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Physics, Cracow University of Technology. She conducts interdisciplinary research activities at the interface of materials engineering, chemical engineering, and nanotechnology. Her scientific interests include biomaterials such as composites for bone tissue reconstruction and dental applications.
Over the last few years, biomaterials have become increasingly important in materials science, with great hopes of solving problems in tissue and organ healing. Bioactive materials based on polymers, ceramics, and active substances are being designed to provide great potential for individual modification according to the patient's needs. By combining different types of materials and modifications, composites are created that enable cell proliferation and tissue growth. Some plant extracts are high in terpenes, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which show potential anticancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, numerous studies indicate osteoblast differentiation and bone formation under the influence of flavonoid compounds. The present study focused on the development of a methodology for the preparation of photocrosslinked polymer-ceramic composites based on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), gelatin (GE), sodium alginate (SA), while the ceramic phase was synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA). In addition, the obtained system was enriched with an aqueous extract of sage (Salvia officinalis). To determine the kinetics of polyphenol release from the matrices, the obtained composites were incubated in water in a pharmaceutical system under continuous stirring conditions at 36.6°C. The antioxidant properties of the aqueous plant extract were determined by 1,1-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and the total content of phenolic compounds was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau (F-C) colorimetric method. Polyphenolic compounds were released from the polymer-ceramic composites during 21 days of incubation. Moreover, the amount of the released compounds also depends on the composition of the chosen composition. Conclusion & Significance: The obtained polymer-ceramic composites can be a carrier of active substances. Moreover, these new-generation systems for controlled drug release have potential applications in bone regeneration medicine.
Acknowledgements: The „Multifunctional biologically active composites for applications in bone regenerative medicine” project is carried out within the TEAM-NET programme of the Foundation for Polish Science financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. POIR.04.04.00-00-16D7/18.
Dagmara SÅ‚ota
Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Physiochemical analysis and tribological properties of composite coatings for bone regeneration
Time : 15:30-16:00

Dagmara SÅ‚ota is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Physics. In her research she concerns with bioactive ceramic-polymer composites and coatings as carriers of active substances, which may find application in regenerative medicine of the skeletal system and tissue engineering
A key feature of medical devices, including implants, is their multifunctionality to ensure effective and long-lasting functionality. One solution that can ensure this is coating of implants, thus creating specific layers of biomaterial. Implant coating is one of the strategies used to increase biocompatibility as well as provide additional functions without changing the base material. In the case of materials developed for bone regeneration, hydroxyapatite (HA) coating can be used to add the desired osteointegration feature.
HA belongs to calcium phosphate ceramics, which are characterized by impressive biocompatibility and bioactivity. It also exhibits the ability to bond with natural tissue, which significantly eliminates the danger of implant loosening. Due to its structure, it can be modified with selected ions (e.g. Sr or Zn) to adduce additional antibacterial properties, or other active substances. Unfortunately, HA itself has low mechanical strength and high brittleness which limits its application. A solution to this problem may be to suspend HA in a polymer matrix to provide flexibility. The polymer phase is able to transfer stress while the resulting composite will not lose its bioactive properties given by the nature of HA.
In the present study, innovative ceramic-polymer composite coatings based on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing glutathione and collagen for bone tissue regeneration were developed. The materials were subjected to tribological and physicochemical analysis, as well as incubation studies to determine their properties and potential for use as a carrier for the active substance. Moreover, the developed biomaterials have great potential due to the high biological value of the components used in their synthesis, which promote osteogenesis.