Loredana Preda
Institute of Physical Chemistry “IlieMurgulescu†of Romanian Academy, Romania
Loredana Preda is senior researcher at Romanian Academy, Institute of Physical Chemistry ‘‘Ilie Murgulescu’’, Romania. Her research interests lie in different fields of great importance for society like electrocatalysis, supercapacitors and photo-electrochemistry. She has expertise in fabrication of hybrid materials with outstanding features which find applications in different areas of great interest like supercapacitors and fuel cells. The characterization of these active materials (e.g. electrochemical characterization) as well as their performance assessment (e.g. their capacitive performance or their catalytic performance for ethanol/methanol oxidation) is her competence. Her research work is also related to improving bioactivity and biocompatibility of some new alloys (e.g. Ti-4Al-6V-SLM) for dental and orthopaedic applications.