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Marta Lara

Marta Lara

Instituto Tecnológico del embalaje, Spain


Marta Lara-Lledó is an Agricultural Engineer specialized in Food Industries from Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). She has a Master’s and a PhD in Food Science and Engineering (UPV) and a Diploma in Packaging from Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE). Since 2007, she is Technical
and Project Manager of New Materials and Packaging Systems department at ITENE. Nowadays, She is responsible for the Food Safety Area. She is working on several R&D projects specifically related to food packaging. She is specialized in the development, characterization and authorization of new packaging materials,
including the implementation of food contact materials legislation and verification processes for the proper performance and good manufacturing practices of the packaging materials.


Abstract : Nanoparticles in plastic materials for food contact applications