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Amparo Luna

Amparo Luna

Complutense University of Madrid, Spain


Amparo Luna received her Bachelor´s degree in Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz in 1996 and PhD degree in the Organic Chemistry Program in 2002 from the Universidad de Oviedo, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Vicente Gotor and Dr. Covadonga Astorga. In 2003, she joined the research group of Prof. Roland Furstoss at Faculté des Sciences de Luminy (Lab. Associé au CNRS, in Marseille (France) as a  Post-doctoral fellow. In 2004, she moved to the research group of Prof. Benito Alcaide (UCM, Madrid) where, in 2006, she was appointed as Assistant Professor and in 2015 she assumed a position of Associate Professor. Her research interests are focused on beta-lactam and allene chemistry, and metal-catalyzed coupling reactions.


Abstract : New catalytic process using palladium nanoparticles for the construction of potentially bioactive heterocycles