Jolanda Spadavecchia
Universite Paris 13
Jolanda Spadavecchia is a senior researcher. Her research activities are focused on the realization of nanoparticles and biosensors. In particular, she is interested in the processes responsible for the bioconjugation of protein, macromolecules or DNA oligonucleotides onto gold nanoparticles and substrates for the creation of optical biosensors. She is currently involved in the synthesis of Polymeric nanoparticles and the development of Nano-hybrid materials for Nanomedicine. Actually she has an active collaboration with Berlin and Louvre Museum in order to establish the mechanism responsible of the AuNP formation at the surface of ancient ivory objects from different archaeological and historical contexts.
Research Interest
synthesis of Polymeric nanoparticles and the development of Nano-hybrid materials for Nanomedicine. Actually she has an active collaboration with Berlin and Louvre Museum in order to establish the mechanism responsible of the AuNP formation at the surface of ancient ivory objects from different archaeological and historical contexts